During class today, I felt really interested in the conversations revolving around ableism. It was mentioned that ableism can come from many different people, teachers, peers, and even sometimes other differently abled people. I found it refreshing that the topic of ableism wasn’t brought up with a large amount of stigma, it was mentioned that people can be exhibiting ableism without even realizing or meaning to. This is why, working towards dismantling ableism really is work. You must go out and work to challenge pre-conceived notions and unconscious biases that you may have. I did some research and found some resources that I feel will be incredibly helpful for not only educators, but everyone.

Disability Justice – The Disability Justice Resource Centre has wealth of resources that discuss a wide array of topics including the right to education. The website has numerous videos that can be viewed to gain new and different perspectives.

Final Draft: Disabilities (thetrevorproject.org) – This research paper, posted by the trevor project delves into the topic of LGBTQ+ youth with disabilities and how their experiences will differ greatly, specifically regarding mental health.

Education and Dismantling Ableism in the Classroom – AANE – The Association for Autism and Neurodiversity works to create resources and start conversations to help destigmatize neurodiversity. This article specifically talks about ableism and how we can work to remove those stigmas in the classroom as educators.

(112) 🎙️ How To Be A Better Ally To The Disabled Community | Youth Rising Podcast – YouTube – This podcast discusses how you can better yourself to be an ally to the disabled community, an important topic for teachers.